14. Int. Sendercup 2024 (English)

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On May, 18/19, 2023, the 14th International Sendercup will take place in the outdoor pool of Mühlacker. The announcement is available here on our homepage and on DSV calendar.


  • Open final and youth final
  • Pursuit race
  • Electronic timing
  • Upgraded starting blocks with Omega OSB-12 Starting ramp
  • Backstroke Start Device

We are looking forward to meeting you!


The Regulations of 14th Int. Sendercup 2024 are privided here.

Entries may be submitted using the following forms. Please check if you have the posibility to use LENEX data format or the Entry Form programm (.exe) before you use the Entry Form document (.docx).

If you have any questions regarding the entry forms pleas do not hesitate to contact us.

The shown heat results and competition results are for information purposes only and not for official use.

Latest heat result:

Competition overview:

The event takes place at the Mühlacker outdoor pool (Rappstraße 36, 75417 Mühlacker). Please note that the autobahn exit Pforzheim-Ost is closed.

During the event, the grassland next to the Mühlacker indoor swimming pool is available as a parking space and can be used free of charge.

We are pleased to have no restrictions on trainers, supervisors, etc. this year. In order to guarantee entry to the pool, we have sent you tickets to print by yourself. Please contact your club representative.

Entry is via the main entrance to the Mühlackers outdoor pool. Every time you enter the pool, you must show your ticket without being asked.

The clubs can set up pavilions and tents that they bring and leave them overnight at their own risk.

Please leave your area clean after the end of the competition.


We are pleased that this year it is again possible for clubs to stay overnight in a tent on a self-catering basis. Please ensure that the supervision obligation is ensured by a sufficient number of your own (adult) club representatives. If you are interested, please register by may, 15th at the latest at the registration office via mail.


Warm-up takes place on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:25 a.m. and on Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Please leave the competition pool via the turning side and not via the touchpads.


The officials are assigned in advance. Please let us know your officials with names by Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 at the latest.

You can find an overview of the requested officials here.

At the officials' panel meeting, the officials receive a food voucher for the stalls and the first drinks for the event.


Entry to the starting bridge is via the entrance to the competition pool on the side of the speakers' tent. The grassland area behind the starting bridge serves as a pre-start area. A maximum of 3 following heats should be in the pre-start area at the same time. A screen shows which run is currently being admitted. When the speaker calls the previous run, the next run is admitted.

Entry for the 50m competitions takes place at the lifeguard tower, as the start takes place from the turning side.

Please leave the pool via the side of the pool and not via the touchpads.

Leaving the competition area is via the exit (not via the entrance to the starting bridge).


Entry and line-up takes place at the entrance on the speaker's tent side (similar to normal 100m competition). The judge will give you the line-up. As soon as the judge gives the signal, the participants of the finals entry and the introduction takes place. All final runs of a swimming position are carried out one after the other without a separate break between runs. This will be followed by the award ceremonies for the final races and the hand over of the Senderpokal and medals. Immediately after the award ceremony ends, the finals of the second swimming position of the day will take place.


The pursuit race will consist of the fastest athletes of the preliminaries of each of the four 100m stroke events. The four remaining lanes will be filled with participants drawn by lot, one from all entries of each respective 100m event. The swimmer with the slowest prelim time starts with the regular start signal, while all other participants receive their start signal from the respective official with consideration of the time difference to the first swimmer. There will be separate pursuit races for men and women.

Please cancel actively scratch your participation at the speakers' tent if you do not intent start (this also applies to substitute starters!). It would be a pity if we had empty lanes and would be unfair to the replacement candidates who could have competed if others had actively withdrawn.

The awards ceremony for the pursuit race will take place immediately afterwards.

Please collect the start cards for the relay competitions from the speakers' tent at the beginning of the competition. We ask you to return the filled out start cards (name and year of the starters) as early as possible to the speakers' tent.

Since we want to hold the award ceremony immediately after the relay competitions with names mentioned, it makes our work much easier if we can record the names in advance. THANK YOU in advance for your support.


This year we can offer award runs as part of the competition. The award runs will be marked in the heat sheet during until thursday. The marking will not affect the heat and lane order. The winner of the reward run can collect his reward from the speaker immediately after the run.

At this point we would like to express our thanks to our sponsors Speedo and Schwimmsport Stein for providing the rewards.


The award ceremonies are part of the competition and take place parallel to the competition at the lifeguard tower. The awards for final races, pursuit races and relay competitions take place directly after the respective competition. Please stay close by.

Medals from missed awards can also be picked up near the lifeguard tower. Please note that the current award ceremony takes priority over subsequent medal collection. So please wait until officials are free to handover your medals afterwards.

In order to increase the storage value of the diploms and at the same time reduce the amount of paper required in the interests of the environment, we will print participant certificates with all results per participant. For relay and final results will be separate diploms. This means that the certificates can be issued clubwise and only after the end of last event in which the last swimmer from a club has started. The diploms are only printed on request. If you would like printed diploms, please give us a hint at the speakers' tent.


During the event, the Wasserfreunde Mühlacker will provide catering. The offer includes:

  • Dürrmenzer bratwurst in abun
  • Maultasche in broth
  • Filled flatbreads with salami or cream cheese
  • (Butter) pretzels
  • Cakes and waffles
  • Coffee
  • Water / juice spritzer from Ensinger and softdrinks

Since we also want to be more sustainable when it comes to catering, we are increasingly switching to porcelain tableware and “real” cutlery. We would therefore like to ask you to bring it back after use so that we can wash it and use it again. Thank you in advance for your support.

The outdoor pool restaurant also provides you with warm food.


Schwimmsport Stein:
On Saturday and Sunday Schwimmsport Stein will set up a stand on site. Equipment can be tried on and purchased.

SolSports training camp:
On Saturday and Sunday SolSports will be on site as training camp organizer in Spain with information.


A livetiming from the competition is provided on our homepage. The livetiming results are for information purpose only and do nor necessarily represent the official results.

The official results are published on in printed version at the pool site and also on our homepage.

If you need help finding a hotel in the area, we will be happy to assist you.

The following hotels offer rooms during the event:

We would like to thank our sponsors and supporters as well as the city of Mühlacker!
